Monday, March 10, 2008

Update: Stutzbloggin' Again

It has been about a month since my last Stutzblog post. Two reasons perpetuated my absence from the blogosphere: 1) starting at the end of January, for four weeks straight, two of my MAGL cohorts were in town for seminars, leaving me little time for internet recreation, and 2) also since the end of January we have known that the Masters of Arts in Global Leadership (MAGL) program is intending to eventually move its staff, faculty and offices to Colorado Springs.

First, having students in town for the four weeks of seminar was energizing, but also consumed much of my energy. Second, weighing the potential options in regards to the circumstances of my work has left me also somewhat drained. This is a decision initiated by the seminary leadership, for strategic reasons, that was presented to our office and leaves me needing to consider new job options for next fall. Rebekka and I have elected not to participate in the relocation because of my continuing educational goals with Fuller and Rebekka’s work at Maranatha as youth pastor. We are still rooted here in LA and feel that our experience and time here is still in God’s hands.

It has been tougher than I anticipated adjusting to this reality. I have come to appreciate my job and colleagues very much over the past 6 months. As an Academic Advisor for the MAGL 1) I took care of the administrative side of things for students, 2) monitored and assisted in the progression of their degree and 3) participated in the classroom as a Teacher’s Assistant , grading assignments in three of our core leadership classes. I felt affirmed in my role and have learned so much about teaching and the behind the scenes dynamics of higher education. Naturally, it is a disappointing development, but I also see the sense in the move. MAGL, the only degree offered online at the seminary, is essentially more of a website, rather than an address. The on-campus seminars will continue in Pasadena, and possibly eventually more internationally, and the relocation will have very little impact on the program and, most importantly, the students.

Through conversations with my fellow staff and superiors, I have decided, as much as possible, to help the MAGL program through this time of transition and work as long as I can before finding other options.

Please keep Rebekka and me in your prayers as we discern what options are viable and what God is calling us to do.


James said...


We're going to miss you around here, wherever "here" is. Thankfully, you'll still be here. But not there.

At times like these I ask, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

And you would have the answer.

It's been great sharing a cubicle wall with you. Sorry it was tense at first, what with my barely talking to you for several months. Comps stress, you know.

Looking forward to a lot more laughter before you find another job...

Dave Stutzman said...

Chuck Norris would roundhouse kick Colorado Springs to the face.

Thanks for the comments!

Unknown said...

obviously i don't check the blog often enough to really keep up... jon did tell me about the move and your decision to stay in LA, so i just wanted to let you know that i'm praying for you. with you. -megan

Dave Stutzman said...

thanks megan!